About 10 years ago, I remember coming in to a beautician appointment and the beautician said “Ok, before we begin, lets remove your makeup.” I wasn’t wearing any - why make myself up if it would have to be washed off anyways? So I politely explained that I was actually bare faced. “What? Not even foundation?” I was very puzzled and quietly shook my head.
At that time, I was in my mid 20’s and didn’t really think about having pretty skin. I just took care of mine as a habit I picked up along the way. Somehow, I got a pleasure out of doing little rituals and solving the problems my skin, hormones, stress, etc., threw at me. It was like a little puzzle. I’m very curious and highly analytical by nature - so I treated my skin with the same “Ms. Fix It” mentality that applied to any issue I encountered.
Flash forward, and as I’ve aged, I noticed more and more people complimenting my skin. I get told that I look younger than friends who are younger than I am. Some might say it’s genetics and lifestyle. It’s true that these help, but I’m no saint and I was not born to skin models. I smoked for years and both of my parents have their share of skincare woes.
I still thought people were just being nice until very recently, when I helped one such younger friend implement a skincare routine, get rid of a couple long standing blemishes and get a nice glow. It happened when went shopping for skin care products together and she insisted that certain products were the best things since sliced bread. Some of them were. Just not for her skin and not for the problems she was trying to solve. It also dawned on me that her methods of application and certain habits may have actually negated the benefits of some of the very expensive products she touted.
It wasn’t easy to persuade someone who had been loyal to her skin care ways for such a long time, but I did manage to convince her to add a particular glycolic peel and a Korean Essense to her routine. They worked! So she went back to the shop, got the face wash I recommended and stopped mixing her night time moisturiser with her serum before application like I told her to. Lo and behold, her skin glowed!
“You should write this stuff down somewhere” she said. And that’s how this blog began.
My aim is to share skincare insights based on decades of skin care obsession. I don’t post a bunch of Photoshopped before/after photos to make you believe that I found miraculous cures. I do share with you logic and reasons for why what I recommend works.
Good skin is one of the most beautiful and attractive things you can wear. It can mean needing to wear less makeup and/or feeling more confident on the day you go completely makeup free. Good skin can make an old ratty T-shirt look amazing because of the smooth glowing shoulder peeking out from underneath it. It can mean being mistaken for a goddess!
Please let us know by commenting below! I’ll do my best to create a post to answer your questions.
I often write with a group of friends - women of 20, 30 and 40 something range. We are of varied skin types, beauty budget and time available for self care. However, we all fundamentally believe that taking care of our skin is by far, the most important part of beauty.